Monday, September 14, 2009

Children's Sermons, Object Lessons & Puppets

Over the past years I've done dozens of object lessons and puppet skits in different areas of children's ministry. After reading a recent post on children's sermons by IMonk, I decided to make some of my material available to others who could use it in their own ministries. It is copyrighted and may not be used commercially, but you are welcome to make a copy for your own use.
I'll be posting material every week or so on my new blog "Speaking Objectively". Just follow the link to the first object lesson "Two Books--Do It Yourself, or Done It For You". I would appreciate your comments--Let me know if these are helpful and if you are using these resources.
Hopefuly, I'll get some puppet scripts posted, too, so keep checking back if that is something you are looking for.
I'll be waiting to hear from you...and I'll be looking for you at Speaking Objectively.