When Jesus walked this earth 2000 years ago, He met people where they were--whether they were fishing or collecting taxes or worshiping God in the Temple in Jerusalem. He ate lunch with the religious leaders and with known "sinners", and He valued His friendships with women and children just as much as He did those with the inner circle of men He lived with each day. He invested nearly three years of His life in someone who would ultimately betray Him. And yet...even those who knew Him best really didn't know Him at all. Perhaps those of us who think we know Him well don't, either.
Today, I met with seven other women to study the Bible so that we can see God from His own perspective, through the lens of His Word. We will be meeting at 1:30 p.m. every Tuesday at the Pizza Ranch in Oostburg, Wisconsin, so if you are in the area, we'd invite you to stop in and listen to what God has to say about Himself. We will use the book, Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, by John Cross, as our guide. There is no cost for the books, and Pizza Ranch is serving the coffee, so... ya'll come!
If you've already read the book, I'd love to get some feedback from you. Let me know what you think of it---and if you can't make it to Oostburg, maybe we can meet online.